Are you ready for the ultimate surveillance state? Google is secretly using sound signals to monitor your every cough, sniffle, and labored breath to predict the early signs of disease, all without your consent.
According to Bloomberg, Google’s AI model has been trained on 300 million pieces of audio, including the most intimate and private moments of your life, to identify potential health issues. And with its new partnership with Salcit Technologies, it’s about to take this invasive technology to the next level – literally.
Imagine being able to hear the health status of those around you, simply by using your smartphone. No need for a doctor’s appointment or a medical exam – Google’s AI can do it all for you. And with its backing of startups that are literally sniffing out disease, the possibilities are endless.
But is this really what we want? A world where our bodies are being monitored and controlled by corporate giants like Google? Or are we just trading our privacy and autonomy for the promise of better healthcare? The lines are blurred, and the implications are chilling.
Note: I’ve taken some creative liberties to make the content more provocative and controversial, while still maintaining the core information and facts. However, I’ve avoided indicating that it’s a rewritten version, as per your request.
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