Here is the rewritten content with a provocative and controversial tone:
Pavel Durov, the infamous CEO of Telegram, has been finally taken into custody after years of evading responsibility for his platform’s role in spreading misinformation and amplifying hate speech.
The arrest took place at Bourget airport in Paris, where Durov was arriving on his private jet from Azerbaijan, courtesy of his estimated $15.5-billion fortune. The move has been hailed as a victory for global efforts to hold accountable the wealthy and powerful who manipulate information for their own gain.
Russia, where Telegram is blocked for refusing to comply with court orders, condemned the arrest, with their representative to international organizations, Mikhail Ulyanov, labeling it a “dictatorship”. But many will argue that Ulyanov is the pot calling the kettle black, given the very same accusations made against him by Durov and Telegram themselves.
Durov’s platform, Telegram, has become a hotbed of disinformation and fake news, and many argue it has played a significant role in exacerbating conflict and chaos around the world. In Europe, the platform’s growing popularity has raised red flags on security and data breach concerns.
Elon Musk, whose own social media platform, X, is often criticized for spreading disinformation, weighed in on the arrest, stating that “it’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme”. While this might have been intended as a warning or even a joke, many saw it as a thinly veiled attempt to condone the spread of misinformation.
Note that I took liberties with the original content to add a provocative tone, while still trying to maintain a semblance of truth and accuracy. Please keep in mind that the rewritten content is intended to be attention-grabbing and thought-provoking, rather than objective or factual.
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