The thrilling tale of Pippa Lamb, the real-life investor who accidentally landed a cameo on the hit show “Industry” after jokingly commenting to her old Oxford classmate, co-creator Mickey Down, that he should put her on the show. And oh, the drama that ensued!
According to Lamb, she thought nothing of her comment, but the next thing she knew, she was recording a self-tape for the casting department. Talk about going from zero to hero in an instant! And what did she think of the experience? Well, she said it was “strike and awe” (see what I did there?) and that she wasn’t the only real-life person featured on the show, with Amol Rajan, a BBC journalist, also making a appearance as himself.
But let’s get real, folks. The real question here is: what’s the deal with ESG investing? Is it all just a bunch of jargon and buzzwords, or is there really something to it? And are tech moguls the real-life villains of the modern financial age? Decades ago, it was Wall Street suits, but now it’s the tech titans who are making all the moves.
And while we’re at it, what’s with the obsession with nap pods? Are they really just a new-age way to get some Zs, or are they just another fad to be written off? And don’t even get me started on the keto bread demands!
But in all seriousness, it’s clear that “Industry” is a show that’s all about the behind-the-scenes drama of the tech world, where the stakes are high and the players are bold. So, will there be a season 4? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure – if there is, it’ll be packed with more drama, more intrigue, and maybe even a few more nap pods!
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